No two days...
Every job has it's own unique set of challenges and a shoot last week for a meat processor and exporter in Southland is a good example. The first challenge: to photograph inside the meat works without showing any meat or any obvious machinery, just to portray the clean and sterile environment. Challenge number two: to photograph a big Southland landscape with blue sky on a week when it was raining most of the time. The third challenge: To photograph true blue Southland farmers and plant workers who you'd expect to what their photo taken like a hole in the head.
Challenges are what sometimes makes my job interesting and no two days are the same. In the end, we shot the plant between shifts when things were absolutely spotless, the clouds parted long enough to shoot some fantastic blue sky and rolling hills and everyone we photographed in the two days was a natural in front of the camera - plenty of latent modeling talent out there in the rural sector. 
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